Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanksgiving... Nicknamed "Turkey Day"

Thanksgiving is a holiday much like Christmas, where most of the value and most of the importance has been lost!  I am as guilty as the next for teasing about "turkey day" rather than trying to find and recognize the importance of our beginnings as a nation.  One Nation Under God!  Our need to be Thankful!

In reconsidering the plight of the Pilgrims... we could all take a little trip down memory lane and see what events led up to the event.  The early pilgrims had bravely crossed the Atlantic and landed near Plymouth Rock in the late fall cold.  Over 40 of the original Pilgrims lost their lives due to the elements and not being prepared.  Over the next year they learned how to survive from their new found friends. "the Indians" or Natvive Americans   It is said that as they survived they huddled together in the extreme cold and sang hymns and Psalms for comfort.  The festive occasion happened the next fall after a bountiful crop of pumpkins, corn, and beans even after a horrible drought.  They are supposed to have invited their "Indian Friends" and had a joint communal feast of about 90 people to celebrate.

At my household, we will have the thanksgiving "feast" as it is called, although it will be far less than a feast!  But it will be no less of a celebration of Thanksgiving.  While talking to friends and associates today, many things have come up that we should be most grateful for!  Well being!  Comfort!  Love!  The Grace of God!  Friends that have stood by you even in the worst of times!  Sharings in your family that make you a "Family."  Evolving from not such good times to not as bad times. 

As the Pilgrims, we all have a pilgrimage that takes us from better times to times that are not so good, and occasionally to good times... but alas, the cycle continues.  It does not matter so much where we "are" in our lives right now as much as where we have been and where we are going.  We can be thankful for all things... even if it is a bad time in life, thankful that we don't have to dwell there but are in a journey moving past that bad time. 

This is the only way that we can hope and exist.  If we focus on what is so bad in life, we never realize the blessings and great things in life that are ours for the taking.  It is never an easy task.  But to be able to survive the coldest of the winter, to go without the nourishment we want, to make life more bearable for each others, and to survive the extreme drought of life, we can be thankful that our journey is continuing... and this too can and will pass! 

I feel a need every year to find a way to help someone that has a worse plight than myself.  In the good times,it was an easy thing to do.  In the bad times, it is not so easy.  But our foundation and our lives are built not on being so needy and self centered, but in finding ways to help others who may have a worse situation than we.  And then thanking God first of all for our bounty!  Then thanking all the others that have touched our lives and made us what we are. 

So, my friends and family, Thank you one and all!  You have made my life so much better than it would have been without you!  Yes, even you (this is supposed to be a comedic attempt to thank those friends and clients that were not optimal friends...LOL) Mr &/or Ms Pessimism.  I love you all, and I hope to continue to have you as friends in my life forever!  And thank you my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Without Him, I have nothing at all.

Thanks for reading my blog...  If I can help you with any of your real estate needs... please don't hesitate to call!  205 229-3013


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Day for Rememberance from a Grateful Nation

As I try and reflect on life, it is hard to say if I am fortunate in the fact that I never had the privilege to serve my country in the Military or if it is an unfortunate thing.  My dad and all his brothers served our great nation in the military... and most of my mom's brothers did as well.  Most of my male cousins have served... With that said, only one of our brave family members was killed in action; giving the ultimate sacrifice for his nation and for me and for all others who may read these words. 

I was at my Uncle;s Funeral service not long ago.  He was a decorated war hero and a "lifer" in the military.  The army Sargent gave my aunt an American Flag, and said that he presented it on behalf of  "A GRATEFUL NATION."   My Grandmother had one of those flags, and several of my aunts have one as well.  At each and every service, those precious words were spoken to a surviving family member.  It seems ironic that it was the military reminding the family member that our nation was grateful for his sacrifice and devotion for his country!

History tells us that Veteran's Day began at the ending of World War I.  I think it was called the war to end all wars... although it was not.  Others called it "the Great War" which I am sure it was!  Although the treaty was signed much later... the fighting ceased when the Allied forces and the German Army called for a cease fire and signed a document of Treaty.  It was to be signed on the Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of November, 1918.

This picture was taken near a church in Stenay, Meuse in France at 10:58 AM just prior to the meeting and the signing of the Armistice Treaty as a declaration of Germany's defeat. The original concept for the celebration was for a day observed with parades and public meetings and a brief suspension of business beginning at 11:00 a.m on the each November 11.

Painting depicting the signature of the armistice in the railway carriage. Behind the table, from right to left, general Weygand, Marshal Foch (standing) and british admiral Rosslyn Wemyss. In the foreground, Matthias Erzberger, general major Detlof von Winterfeldt (with helmet), Alfred von Oberndorff and Ernst Vanselow.

Of course, the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, several months later.  And The United States Congress officially recognized the end of World War I when it passed a concurrent resolution on June 4, 1926, with these words:
Whereas the 11th of November 1918, marked the cessation of the most destructive, sanguinary, and far reaching war in human annals and the resumption by the people of the United States of peaceful relations with other nations, which we hope may never again be severed, and
Whereas it is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this date should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations; and
Whereas the legislatures of twenty-seven of our States have already declared November 11 to be a legal holiday: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), that the President of the United States is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the officials to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings on November 11 and inviting the people of the United States to observe the day in schools and churches, or other suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies of friendly relations with all other peoples.

In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: "To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…"

A Grateful nation indeed...  But, more wars came and they were just as evil, just as bloody and just as deadly.  The Bible teaches us that there will always be wars, and rumors of wars.  So, indeed, we need to be a grateful nation.  We need to have a military might... and we need heroes that will make the ultimate sacrifice for you and for me.  I read some one's note a few days ago that said something like..."Someone in our military service writes a blank check and swears an oath when signing up for service ultimately to die for his country."

At another hero's funeral this year, there were rumors that war protesters were going to be protesting at or near the funeral.  I guess trying to make a point.  While the fallen hero had died for them and for their right to protest... it just does not seem appropriate for a memorial service to be littered with that kind of action.  A Grateful Nation!

I would personally like to say to several members of my family... a warm thank you for serving for me... for the nation.  There is no order to my madness, and hopefully I don't miss anyone...

Pete Pittman... Killed in Action, World War II at the battle of the bulge.
CW Pittman... My Dad... served in World War II
Jimmy Kyle Pittman... my Dad's brother... Served after World War II
Charlie G Pittman... my Dad's brother... Served after World War II
Billy M. Faulk... my Mom's bother...Served in Korea, Vietnam & more, retired after twenty something years
Robert Williamson ... my cousin... served during the Vietnam War
Jessie Lamar Williamson...  my cousin... served during the Vietnam War
Harold Hagler... my cousin... served during the Vietnam War and retired after twenty something years
Johnny Faulk...  my cousin... served after the Vietnam War
Mark Pittman... my cousin... served in the Marine Corp

Thanks to you all... proud men and women of our armed services!  I hope you know that we are really a Grateful nation!