Thursday, September 16, 2010

Don't Lose Your Home and Credit... A Short Sale May Be The Answer!

In an economy as ours, many people are faced with a potential problem that could really affect their lives for a long time. Getting behind on your payments is not only a hardship emotionally and physically, it also affects your credit, your ability to find work, and basically every avenue of life. The possibility of foreclosure looms overhead and will try to suffocate you. There are alternatives to foreclosure... and if you are behind on your payments, and don't think that you are going to be able to catch everything up... it is time for action.

Don't bury your head in the sand and act as though it will not happen, because it will eventually. You must be proactive in your quest to save your credit and to find an opportunity to resolve the problem... That is where the agent can be a HUGE help.

It is estimated that over half the homeowners in America are in some kind of economical difficulty... and a large portion of those are behind on their payments. Large Mortgage Companies like Bank of America and Wells Fargo are rumored to be on the threshold of foreclosing literally thousands of homes in the near future. Don't be a part of that number.

A short sale is basically the banks agreement with you the homeowner to sell the home for less than what you may owe on it rather than go into foreclosure. I am sure that you see the signs everywhere... Short Sales! The bank thinks that they will spend well over $20,000 for a foreclosure sale, and thinks that it can work with you in a short sale situation and sell the home for less than is owed rather than foreclose...

Check out this short video...

Don't forget to visit my website...    if you have any questions about real estate...


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